Maple Miso Roasted Carrot Meal Prep

by Beth - Budget Bytes
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I had a crew here shooting video all last week and they left me with a refrigerator full of vegetables (poor me, right?). Luckily, they were all vegetables that are pretty shelf stable, so I was able to take a few days to figure out what to do with them. Since we all know vegetables are more likely to get eaten if they’re all prepped and ready to go, I decided to do a super veggie-tastic meal prep this week! This Maple Miso Roasted Carrot Meal Prep pairs some simple brown rice flavored with sesame oil, Sesame Kale, and my Maple Miso Roasted Carrots into one flavorful and good-for-you box. The rich, almost butterscotch-like carrots go so well with the nutty rice and salty sesame kale. I know this is going to be a go-to combo for me in the future, especially since you can sub sweet potatoes for the carrots, and add a few other things to jazz it up even more if you want something extra.

As I ate my way through this meal prep this week, I thought of a few other things that would go really well with this meal. Avocado would just be AWESOME because of the creaminess, but I’d probably only do that when avocados are on sale. The spicy peanut sauce from these tofu bowls would probably also be great. And lastly, a little crunch might be nice, so I might experiment with adding some sunflower seeds next time! Want to add some meat? I suggest this super easy Sticky Ginger Soy Glazed Chicken.

I happened to have some brown basmati rice on hand that I got at Aldi, but you could use regular brown rice or even plain white rice if you prefer. Just make sure to use the suggested water to rice ratio and cooking time listed on the package for whatever rice you use.

For more information about meal prepping, how it works, and why I do it, check out Meal Prep 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Prepping and Portioning Meals, or check out my entire Budget-Friendly Meal Prep Archive.

Maple Miso Roasted Carrot Meal Prep

Four glass Maple Miso Roasted Carrot Meal prep containers

This Meal Prep Includes:

Maple Miso Roasted Carrots: $2.58

Sesame Kale (made with curly kale this time): $1.96

6 cups cooked brown basmati rice + 1/2 tsp salt + 1 Tbsp sesame oil $1.48

Total Cost: $6.02

Cost per serving: $1.51

No leftovers this time! Yay! Each meal prep box got 1.5 cups of the rice and then I just divided the kale and carrots equally among them.

Meal Prep Grocery List

To make the rice, simply cook the rice with the water and salt according to the package directions, then fluff with a fork after cooking, and drizzle the sesame oil over top. Gently fold the rice to incorporate the sesame oil and all its nutty flavor.

Three Maple Miso Roasted Carrot Meal prep containers in a row

What I love most about this meal prep is how insanely easy it was! I started the carrots first, since they take a little while to roast, then begin the rice while the carrots are roasting. The kale takes only about five minutes to tear from the stems and rinse in a colander, then another five minutes or so to wilt down once it’s in the hot pot. So crazy easy and so much healthy goodness to keep me going all week!!

And because a few people ask every week, the containers I used to pack my meal prep this week are the Pyrex 3 cup rectangular containers. :)

One Maple Miso Roasted Carrot Meal prep containerThis post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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    1. Hi, Emma! In the very first paragraph of the blog post, we explain that this is a meal prep tutorial that includes two other recipes on our site, Sesame Kale and Malpe Miso Roasted Carrots, and then provide links to both recipes. I hope that helps! ~ Marion :)

  1. I am eating my last portion of this and had to swing by and let you know how much I love it! My motto is that if I still like the meal prep by day 4, it’s a winner :) I have never had kale before and was pleased to learn I really like it! I also was nervous that this would not be filling–although it is low on protein, it feels like a TON of food so I found it kept me filled through the rest of the afternoon! I did like your idea to add cashews or sunflower seeds, though–I may do that next time!

  2. Do you think this could freeze well? Im looking for meals to freeze to pull out later as Im currently pregnant and want to prepare for after the baby is born.

    1. I think this one would just be so-so. I think the carrots might dry out a bit upon freezing and thawing.

  3. Do you find that this is filling?  I’m always trying to find meat-free lunches that are filling.  Looks delicious. 

    1. This one wasn’t quite as filling as some other vegetarian meals, but I bet it would be so if you added some tofu, or nuts. Cashews would be awesome with this!

      1. Cashews.  Yes.  Excellent. Maybe I’ll mix ’em in with the rice.  Thanks, Beth. 

  4. I love this!! A little complicated for a first time meal prepper but definitely worth it. It took me forever to find miso (it was by the tofu) and brown basmati rice is pricey in my store so check the bulk section (I saved BIG). Overall, I will be doing this again.

  5. Love this veggie option after the rich holiday eating season. I personally don’t like maple–a big fave with other family members–and guess that sounds quite un-American. But I love carrots. Sub honey for the maple syrup and add minced ginger and garlic to taste. Will work perfectly well with this nifty combo of sesame flavored rice and greens. These prepped meals have been a wonderful feature, and I want to thank you for making my working life easier